Wildlife in winter
*A Snowshow Expedition*
Grades 3-5
Wildlife in Winter is a captivating Environmental Education Program designed for 3rd through 5th grades at the Boardman River Nature Center. This 2 hour program will explore the adaptations of Michigan animals that allow them to live in their environment. Students will identify signs of animals and will explore the interdependence of animals around the Nature Center. The program will include hands-on activities in the classroom and an expedition into the 500-acre Natural Education Reserve. It is designed to get kids outside, introduce them to the wonders of nature, allow them to explore the outdoors, and to participate in an active learning environment. It was developed to inspire exploration, appreciation, and conservation of our natural world.
This program was created specifically for grades 3-5 but can be adapted for other age groups as well.
Wildlife in Winter will include three components:
Students will develop an understanding that Michigan animals have observable body parts that help them live in their environment.
Food Webs and Interdependence:
Students will develop an understanding that the diet and habitats of Michigan animals changes in the winter.
Human Impact:
People change the environment in ways that are helpful and harmful to other animals.