Our Plant Sale is a one day first-come, first-served event, which will be held in May each year. This year’s Native Plant Sale will take place on May 17th, 2025 from 10:00am - 2:00pm outdoors at the Boardman River Nature Center, featuring over 70 species of Michigan native flowers, ferns, and grasses!

Plants are available individually in quarts (or in some cases, gallons or single-species flats). All plants are Michigan-grown and organic, and ready to go in the ground as soon as you pick them up.

We also offer Plant-By-Number flats. These kits are the perfect way to plant a beautiful garden without hours of research — just choose the type of garden you want and receive a flat of 38 plugs of a variety of species with a planting plan for a 4x10 foot area. There is a little preparation needed, though; Plant-By-Number flats are only available by pre-ordering during the month of April for pickup during the Native Plant Sale in May.

To get reminders about pre-orders and our day-of sale, sign up for our eNewsletter.


Shop plant by number flats


Expected plant species Available At This Year’s Sale:

Download the PDF here.

*Plant species available are subject to change and are not guaranteed

Sale Details:

  • Sale will be held OUTDOORS at the Boardman River Nature Center – dress for the weather.

  • A limited number of shoppers will be allowed in the "plant tent" at a time. To facilitate faster, easier shopping, plant experts and plant signs (with photos and information) will be stationed outside the tent. You can also explore our all-native gardens and signage to consider plants as you wait your turn.

  • Because of the outdoor venue and uneven ground, we will not be able to provide carts, though we will have boxes as usual. We encourage shoppers to bring wagons if they anticipate a large order.

  • Flat orders MUST BE PICKED UP IN PERSON during our pickup dates.

  • District staff will make every effort to make available any orders not picked up on the designated pick-up dates; please contact us to arrange a time. If not picked up, however, the order may be considered cancelled and the customer will forfeit payment.

  • Plants and supplies are limited and will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis.

  • Grand Traverse Conservation District (GTCD) cannot guarantee seedling or plant survival. Our liability ends when stock is picked up.

  • GTCD reserves the right to cancel orders and refund payments due to reasons beyond our control (such as supplier availability).

  • Due to the cost of processing refunds, refund amounts less than $5.00 will not be issued and will be considered donations to the District.

  • There will be a $25.00 fee on all returned checks.