MAEAP Testimonials — Grand Traverse Conservation District

MAEAP Testimonials



“It’s amazing the way [MAEAP] has helped us... I think everyone should think about being involved in MAEAP.”

Paul Hubbell, Orchard View Farms

“We are surrounded by fresh water and pretty nice lakes all the way around us — Torch Lake, Elk Lake, the Bay — so it was important that we pay close attention to any kind of runoff and/or a spill that may happen and contain that properly, if need be.

The program has worked out well for us. It’s been nice to have the paperwork, the documentation, the records as to what has been done year after year. The reverification keeps us up to speed on what’s been going on, and what is currently going on, and keeps our paperwork accurate.”

Tom Paradis, Northwind Acres

“I really think in today’s environment, it’s important that the local residents know that farmers are good stewards of the land, and I think that’s the main reason I [became MAEAP verified], just to let the public know that what we do, we take very seriously.”

Rick Sayler, Sayler Orchards

“What we really like is the conversation that takes place when people come to our brand new tasting room. They ask about the sign that’s in front, and you know the value for us is to share that story of reasons why we started MAEAP, what is MAEAP, and the environmental practices that are conscious to our soil and the well-being and stewardship of our business.”

Greg Shooks, Shooks Farms

“We’ve been verified for many years. We did it because we have a commitment to trying to have a farming operation that’s sustainable. I think it’s a great way to not only help us make sure we’re doing things right, but to let the community know with a nice sign that we are MAEAP verified, and that it’s just an indication of our care for the land.

So, it’s been a great program, and it’s helped us on insurance costs. We’re very supportive of MAEAP.”

Jim Nugent, Sunblossom Orchards

“We got involved in MAEAP to basically understand what was best practice that we could do to both sustain the environment as well as the groundwater. So, we took two or three years to get [verified], and we use that to provide our bit, as well as, I think, everyone in the grower community to do the best they can to protect the groundwater supply.”

Phil and Sarah Hallstedt, Hallstedt Homestead Cherries

“We are honored to be a part of MAEAP because, actually, when the Brengman Brothers came across this property, it was owned by the Leelanau Conservancy. So with that, we take a lot of pride in the responsibility of continuing to maintain a healthy environment through our farming practices.

“Of course, it’s all about the soil — our motto is “Truth in Dirt” — so we want to make sure that we are tending our plants and our land in the healthiest way possible. Therefore, our fruit is healthy, and when you harvest the fruit and you press it into juice and make it into wine, you pour it in the glass and you’ve got a beautiful, wholesome, healthy wine.”

Lauren Fournier, Brengman Brothers